Wednesday, August 28, 2024

You Are Always 'All That Is' - Quote from Neale Donald Walsh

 You Are Always 'All That Is' 

Quote from Neale Donald Walsh



"There was never a time when You were not. There will never be a time when You will not Be. You appear from the heavens, physicalized as individual aspects of All That Is. While each physicalization is absolutely and gloriously non-identical, they are nevertheless All The Same Thing. And so they merge into a single essence, a particular life expression that you call “humans.”
Then, to the heavens each Essence returns, once more invisible-ized."

Here is some additional information to help us understand this quote:

Unity and Oneness:

The concept of oneness suggests that at the deepest level, we are interconnected with everything in existence.

‘All That Is’ refers to the universal consciousness, the divine source, or the creative energy that permeates all life.

Beyond Separation:

We often perceive ourselves as separate individuals with distinct identities, bodies, thoughts, and emotions.

Looking beyond these apparent divisions, it reminds us that our true essence transcends individuality.

Eternal Being:

The essence of who we are is not limited by time, space, or circumstances. We exist beyond birth and death, beginnings and endings. Moment by moment, we embody the totality of existence. We are both "the drop and the ocean".

Present Moment Awareness:

When we fully embrace the present, we recognize that we are already complete. There is nothing to attain or achieve.

Creator Consciousness:

If we are ‘All That Is,’ then we share the same creative power. We can shape our reality through intention, thought, and action. We are co-creators of our experiences, weaving the fabric of existence.

Acceptance and Surrender:

Accepting our inherent divinity means surrendering to the flow of life. We release resistance and trust in the unfolding process. We stop striving to become something else and embrace our authentic nature.

       In the end, this quote invites us to recognize our eternal, interconnected essence. We are not separate from the universe; we are an integral part of it. By realizing this truth, we can live with greater compassion, love, and purpose.


Until next time,


Reiki Master Nan


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